by RAHAB Editorial Team | Apr 7, 2023 | Truth Matters
As we’re approaching the end of Holy Week and looking forward to Resurrection Sunday, I find myself aware of the gravity of Good Friday and what it means for all of us. Brokenness At RAHAB, we spend so much time serving in the dark and broken reality of sex...
by RAHAB Editorial Team | Dec 23, 2022 | Truth Matters
When I think about the Christmas story, I find myself wondering what it must have been like for the shepherds outside of Bethlehem who received the news from a host of angels. It would be overwhelming to get a message from just one angel—let alone thousands—but what...
by RAHAB Editorial Team | Nov 11, 2022 | Truth Matters
“How could they do that to her, she’s somebody’s daughter!” Popularized in recent media, “somebody’s daughter” has become a phrase commonly used when referring to victims and survivors of violent crimes. We hear it a lot when we talk about trafficking survivors....
by RAHAB Editorial Team | Sep 16, 2022 | Truth Matters
If you pay close attention, you’ll notice we write the name of our organization differently than a normal name. For us, RAHAB is an acronym. In our name, RAHAB stands for Reaching Above Hopelessness and Brokenness. But Rahab is also the name of a woman who had an...
by RAHAB Editorial Team | Jul 22, 2022 | Truth Matters
One of the top questions we are asked often sounds something like “How successful is your programming?” or “What is your success rate?” While the question of how we measure success is important, the answer can be difficult to quantify. Stats We have plenty of stats...