by RAHAB Editorial Team | May 27, 2022 | Education and Awareness
When human trafficking first became a recognized term, it was a commonly held belief that this was a problem happening in far off places of the world. People wanted to believe that maybe it was happening somewhere, but that it doesn’t happen here. Movies and...
by RAHAB Editorial Team | Mar 18, 2022 | Education and Awareness
**Disclaimer** If you are in an emergency situation right now call 911. We have all experienced the feeling when something has gone wrong. It is like cold dread that plummets through your stomach. Yet an even worse feeling is when you have no idea what to do about...
by RAHAB Editorial Team | Feb 4, 2022 | Education and Awareness
It can be difficult to talk to children about the dangers of human trafficking. While you want to protect your child, you also don’t want to over-expose them. Here are five talking points to help guide a conversation focused around their safety. 1. Teach About Healthy...