Volunteer Meeting RSVP

Please RSVP to attend one of the upcoming volunteer meetings with Executive Director, Sonya Hartburg.  You only need to attend one meeting.

If you can not attend any of these meetings, please email our Executive Director, Sonya Hartburg, directly to make alternate arrangements at [email protected].

Thank you for all your service and we look forward to seeing you at the meeting you choose!

Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

11:00am – 12:30pm at Kingdom Title Solutions, Basement Conference Room
275 Springside Drive, Akron

Registration for this meeting is now closed.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

6:00pm – 7:30pm at Akron Public Library
60 S. High Street, Akron

Registration for this meeting is now closed.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

9:00am – 10:30am at Stark Public Library, Jackson Branch
7487 Fulton Dr NW, Massillon

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Human Trafficking 101

Duration: 1 Hour

What it is: HT 101 is an essential teaching on the realities of human trafficking. In this course, we will illuminate the issues of sex trafficking, explain a generalized process for how someone becomes involved in trafficking, and provide practical insight of how trafficking takes place. We will also highlight what we know about traffickers, how someone becomes vulnerable to trafficking, and how demand for commercial sex fuels sex trafficking. By the end of this course, you will be able to articulate the needs and vulnerabilities of trafficking survivors and have knowledge of practical solutions

Who it is for: This course is offered to all members of the community who would like to understand human trafficking and is required for all of RAHAB’s volunteers and staff.  

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