by RAHAB Editorial Team | Nov 11, 2022 | Truth Matters
“How could they do that to her, she’s somebody’s daughter!” Popularized in recent media, “somebody’s daughter” has become a phrase commonly used when referring to victims and survivors of violent crimes. We hear it a lot when we talk about trafficking survivors....
by RAHAB Editorial Team | Aug 5, 2022 | Education and Awareness
Although sex trafficking is now a recognized term as of the last few decades, many call it the world’s oldest crime. However, it can be difficult to wrap our heads around that idea: if we just found out about it, how could it be centuries old? The answer: sex...
by RAHAB Editorial Team | Jul 22, 2022 | Truth Matters
One of the top questions we are asked often sounds something like “How successful is your programming?” or “What is your success rate?” While the question of how we measure success is important, the answer can be difficult to quantify. Stats We have plenty of stats...
by RAHAB Editorial Team | Jun 24, 2022 | Trauma and Healing
Human trafficking has become a well-recognized term in the last decade. Learning that this issue is happening in our own backyards has shocked our community. Yet it has also inspired so many to step forward and join the fight. We want you to join our mission of...
by RAHAB Editorial Team | May 27, 2022 | Education and Awareness
When human trafficking first became a recognized term, it was a commonly held belief that this was a problem happening in far off places of the world. People wanted to believe that maybe it was happening somewhere, but that it doesn’t happen here. Movies and...